Newark Safe Space

“We wanted to learn how to make safe space in Newark for LGBTQ young people. This poster collects what we learned when we talked to experts, studied other cities, and investigated possible solutions for Newark.”


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HECTOR worked with Project WOW! members and Leadership Newark Fellows to write and illustrate a fold-out poster on strategies for keeping LGBTQ young people safe.

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Newark Safe Space
HECTOR with Project WOW!, NJCRI, Leadership Newark
Newark, New Jersey

Project WOW! Eddie, Bubbles, Jihad, Tyra Gardner, Elite Lepore, Tindell Bonner, Tangy 007, Violet Juicy C, Eyricka LaRue & Jaliad
HECTOR Damon Rich & Jae Shin
Leadership Newark Natasha Dyer, Damon Rich, Misha Simmonds, Christine Walia, Hassan Wilson
NJCRI staff Aunsha Hall & Caroline Harris